Pete Writes: The third and final time ►

◄ A conspiracy theory about all those essays set in schools

2007-04-04 📌 Your source for Hampstead Heath dogging, it seems

Tags All Tech

Yeah, so I was just looking through the admin panel for this place... as well as things like "critical analysis of hero and leander", "suggest mp3 bitrates", "you better start sniffing your own rank subjugation jack" and the names of various people I went to school with and don't really remember (Adam Connop, Dan Rolfe, Chloe Guest, take your bows...) — and I'm assuming largely thanks to Pete — my site stats now include search phrases such as "hash parlor amsterdam", "girl strangles girl", and "fuck me hard."

In fact, I'm currently top result out of Google for "hampstead heath dogging" (without the "search as phrase" quotes)...

I also noticed that in March, I got the following 'referer' (sic, referrer is misspelt in the official HTTP specification) hits from these:

Which is mildly suspicious and probably has to do with spambots faking referrers, or a misguided attempt at referrer spam. In any case neither has what you'd call content; they're both now blocked in a spirit of experiment, in case they're anything to do with the cretins wasting bandwidth by trying to get past anti-spam measures here.

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