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Blog posts tagged with "Audit"

10 blog posts tagged with "Audit"

2020-05-20 📌 A little tip for making macros available to all Excel workbooks

2019-05-12 📌 Galileo .NET (audit working papers system) custom dashboard items

2018-09-18 📌 Batch extracting invoice images from an Agresso system

2018-09-16 📌 A couple of IDEA regex functions and some simple code snippets

2018-09-16 📌 Familiarising with SQL Server environments / SQL from Crystal Reports

2018-01-22 📌 Generate strong passwords quickly with Excel

2017-09-09 📌 A few audit testing scripts

2017-07-24 📌 Picalo open source data analysis software

2016-12-24 📌 Fraud and audit type analysis techniques using Microsoft Excel

2016-01-02 📌 Some SQL Server functions for string matching