Site Update: Redesign ►

◄ The web is going to the dogs... ably assisted by Erica

2004-08-14 📌 I'm back. With tales to tell, even, so put t' kettle on...

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This is sort of a round-up entry, and a reminder that there are now quite a few entries behind this one which weren't there before. Which include a review of Patricia Dunker's The Deadly Space Between, meanderings about genre classification, a review of Proline's sadly flawed DM1945MP3 model of personal CD player, a review of its replacement (the Packard Bell OP4), a short overview to go with the photos of Glyn's birthday party, some rambling about driving, ruminations about cultural taboos and possibly other stuff.

This place has been on the back-burner rather. A few of the reasons can be found at, and even if all aren't "live" yet ...but more generally, it's because I don't like focusing on too much tech stuff simultaneously, have had a few behind-the-scene code things to work out here, and have been doing other stuff. I've been responding to email and everything, just a little slowly on the non-business side. And still writing stuff here and there in anticipation of getting this place sorted out, since the site code spends a lot of its time in-between updates waiting for requisite new features / alterations to be finished. If you hadn't guessed, things I've learnt elsewhere tend to feed back into virtualdebris and vice versa. Recent dabblings have required forms with file uploads, parsing HTML input and php GD libraries, so I think it's time to put those tricks to wider use...

But yeah... I aten't dead, and you should head back to read previous entries! :)

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