Quick notes on fixing some things in Windows 10 ►
◄ A little bit of creative stuff
Just a quick back-dated entry... this was the last AA Transformers convention, although at the bar on Sunday there were staff members coming around making watch-this-space type comments and it seems that a good number of them have gone on to be involved in TFNation, which will be running in the same Birmingham venue in 2016. That wasn't common knowledge at the closing ceremony, which also included a marriage proposal by Jason Cardy to Kat Nicholson and which Stu (Inflatable Dalek) handily filmed.
That was the third I'd been to, and as always it's good to get together with faces old and new. Asides from that I mainly picked up some art.
Above: various stuff by artists including Golby / Kei Zama, Sprite, John-Paul Bove and Kat Nicholson. Scripts by James Roberts, Stu's book, some stuff signed by Simon Furman (Death's Head figure not shown) and at the bottom centre some actual TFs including Squeezeplay, Wildfly, a mini Autorooper, RM Lioconvoy... plus an inevitable 3P impulse purchase; a black redeco of KFC Sencho Barbossa.
Above: various covers (shown with mastheads the prints don't have) plus a redo of a 90s "On the Edge of Extinction" poster by Andy Wildman, Nick Roche Wreckers cast and Kris Carter MTME cast in the style of an 80s toy catalogue.
Ryan F, my barely-animated corpse, Mort, Terome, Inflatable Dalek.
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