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2012-01-07 📌 Bitmap graphics: customising the new Gimp UI, and Fotografix

Tags All Tech

Following the news that Gimp 2.8 will have an optional single-window mode, I've been following the 2.7.x development tree using the Windows builds kindly provided by Partha. It feels much more like a native Windows application, and the following config files can be edited so that in XP the interface follows the default system font...

In \etc\gimp\2.0\gtkrc add:

gtk-font-name = "Tahoma 8"

Copy \share\gimp\2.0\themes\Default as an identifiable folder in the same directory (eg, \share\gimp\2.0\themes\Default_Windows) then open the gtkrc file in there and add to all styles:

gtk-font-name = "Tahoma 8"

That fixed everything except for the fonts in the toolbox dock, which already has a smaller font size declaration set on it so you also need to change the appropriate line to read:

GimpDock::font-scale = 1

And under the first set of comments add:

gtk-font-name = "Tahoma 10"

Then select that theme in the app. Some of the config lines are probably superfluous, but it seems to work.

Gimp has some minor oddities when it comes to working with layers or even basic tasks such as drawing a line, some of which stem from it being an editor of pre-existing images more than an art package, but it's a powerful bit of software and one I can see eventually replacing my longtime standby Corel Photo-PAINT for things XnView can't do.

Anyone who feels it's overkill might like to check out the rough-and-ready Fotografix – an editor with support for layers and masks that weighs in at about a megabyte.

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