My review: Amazon Kindle Fire 7'' 5th generation ►
◄ Shaving products I would recommend
This is about the simplest code possible: there's no error handling if the user cancels out of the folder selection dialogue, for instance, but it works. It's a mix of the approaches in this and this post, with a tangent via this one.
Sub MarkAllRead() Dim MyFolder As Outlook.Folder Set MyFolder = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").PickFolder DoAnything MyFolder LoopFolders MyFolder.Folders, True End Sub Public Sub LoopFolders(Folders As Outlook.Folders, ByVal Recursive As Boolean) Dim Folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder For Each Folder In Folders DoAnything Folder If Recursive Then LoopFolders Folder.Folders, Recursive End If Next End Sub Public Sub DoAnything(Folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder) Dim Item As Object ' avoid using For Each because Outlook will renumber whilst loop is still running For i = Folder.Items.Restrict("[UnRead]=True").Count To 1 Step -1 Set Item = Folder.Items.Restrict("[UnRead]=True")(i) If Item.UnRead = True Then ' Debug.Print UCase(Folder.Name) & " -- " & TypeName(Item) & _ ' " -- " & Item.Subject Item.UnRead = False Item.Save End If Next End Sub
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