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2006-09-06 📌 Charitable activities / text editors / Transformers

Tags All Personal Tech Fiction

The Crimea, a band for whom there's a bunch of CD reviews for elsewhere on this site, have gotten involved with the charity War Child to try to raise a million and support relief efforts. Their plan was inspired by another guy's plan to swap his way from a paperclip to a house, and whilst The Crimea are already into swaps out of the financial range of most fans, you can follow their progress at the link below, and give them some exposure if you can.

Notetab, a text editor I've kept in my software arsenal since about 1997, has come out of development hibernation. The free Light version isn't quite done yet — the author is still bugfixing and adding features to the Standard and Pro flavours — but is expected sometime this month. A major new feature is PCRE multiline regex support, with the same syntax I've been getting used to in jEdit. I'll be sticking with jEdit on installed systems, but Notetab is easily portable and a lot easier to get to grips with for less technically-minded users.

If you like comics and remember Transformers, you should check out the modern series from IDW Publishing that's been building over the past year. Rather than takes cues from 80s TV and comics (like the Dreamwave comics from a few years ago, aborted when that company went under) this is an entirely new universe with some emphasis on consistency. More information and my reviews of the main continuity so far can be found here:

Also on the subject of Transformers, there are plans in motion to bring "Robots in Disguise" to the big screen, if you hadn't noticed by now... and before that, Hasbro are putting out new versions of popular 80s characters in a Classics line. The film will be directed by Michael Bay, so cross your fingers a plot gets included as well as explosions. The robot designs leaked so far are... uh, different, but it's all in development and the movie isn't due until July next year.

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